Friday, January 7, 2011

Detoxing in January 2011

I am doing a 21 day detox diet which is primarily protein and produce. I have been feeling bloated and draggy from not eating correctly over the holiday season. Right now, I'm on day 5 and am finally beginning to feel better.
Week 1:
Day 1: No problem. I was all fired up and ready to go and had 'I can do this' attitude.
Days 2 and 3: I had a headache. It was probably caffeine withdrawal. I had no idea I had been ingesting enough caffeine to actually get a withdrawal headache. I was also a little nauseous. Two other people who are doing the same detox diet told me on Day 3 they felt more energy. Yes, I am jealous.
Day 4: Headache gone, but, wanted to give up. Nothing tasted good and it took all my willpower to get through the day.
Day 5: I'm down 6 lbs. It's unbelievable to me how much toxic sludge I must have been carrying around in me. I'm feeling pretty good today, although I'm still a little tired. I am feeling more motivated today to continue forward.
Days 6 and 7 will be more of the same food and then Week 2 starts.

Wish me continued luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your detox. I've been trying to drink more green smoothies and I absolutely need to get back on a salad for lunch roll. I've been lazy about preparing my veggies in advance. I'll be back on it this week. Good to hear you are feeling better today.
