By the end of Week 1, I was thoroughly sick of the meals for that week. In fact, two of the meals, I could barely choke down, so when Week 2's menu plan started I was thrilled.
I also made sure my fish choices were varied and were more of the 'steak' type of fish - tuna, mahi mahi, salmon.
Day 1: everything tastes great (except for the dreaded meal 3 - pumpkin, oats and eggs). Can't do it. I need to leave out the pumpkin.
Day 2 - 5: Things were going well, but, frankly I was a little tired of the same thing over and over again. I totally abandoned meal 3 and was eating 5 mini meals a day instead of 6. This meant I was hungry and I finally caved and abandoned the diet Friday night.
I definitely felt better and was pleased that I lost some weight. It's been 7 days now since I went off the detox diet. Doing the diet for as long as I did helped set me up to be inspired to keep up more healthy eating habits for the past week.
I would definitely do this diet again, but, for me it's more of a non-winter diet since much of what is eaten is cold or raw. I would also find a substitute that works nutritionally as a meal replacement for meal 3.
HA! You made it longer than I would have. :::chuckle::: Glad you feel better, Girlie!